Directory of Mission Archives Housed at Mission Schools

In January 2002, as part of the follow-up to the 2001 Consultation on NonDenominational Mission Archives, the staff of the Billy Graham center Archives contacted via e-mail the heads of libraries of of the North American schools listed in the 1999-2001 Director of Schools and Professors of Mission and Evangelism (published by the Evangelism and Missions Information Service). They were asked if their institution would be willing to participate in a survey of mission archives (including the private papers of individuals and the records of organizations) kept on the campuses of schools which, to some extent, train missionaries and/or have mission study programs. Fifty-four schools indicated they would be willing to participate and were e-mailed a survey form.

Thirty responses were received. Seven of these indicated that they had no mission archives on campus. One had a mission archives but did not want it publicized. What follows are the remaining responses. Comments in quotation marks ("") came directly from the returned survey forms.

This directory is intended to list mission archives which are physically housed on the campuses of Protestant schools which are involved in training missionaries. In some cases, these are denominational archives, in others they are the archives and/or special collections department of the school. The main concern for this directory was that the repository has some kind of collection of mission history documents. It is intended to underline the benefits in terms of training, research, nurture, encouragement and warning that the students at such schools may gain from such archives. At this point, the directory contains only collections on the campuses of North American schools, but collections housed on the campuses of missionary-training schools in other parts of the world would be very welcome. Any mission archives (housed on campuses) which would like to have their collection added to this directory should contact the Billy Graham Center Archives ()

Baylor University
Bethel College (Indiana)
Bethel College (Kansas)
Calvin College, Calvin Theological Seminary
Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary
Columbia International University
Covenant Theological Seminary
Florida Christian College
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary
Goshen College
Grace Bible College
Grace College and Theological Seminary
Great Lakes Christian College
Huntington University
Messiah College
North Park University
Northwest Christian College
Princeton Theological Seminary
Samford Univerisity, Special Collection
Trinity Western University
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education
Wheaton College, Archives and Special Collections
Wheaton College, Billy Graham Center Archives


Name of School: Baylor University
Name of Library: The Texas Collection
Street Address: P. O. Box 97142, Waco TX 76798-714
Telephone: 254-710-1268
Fax: 254-710-1368
Contact person as of 2002: Ellen K. Brown, archivist
Summary of mission related holdings: " The Texas Collection solicits and accepts the papers of missionaries (primarily retired) who are graduates of the university and/or residents of Texas. In addition, The Texas Collection is the depository for the oral memoirs produced by the Baylor University Institute for Oral History. There is a series of interviews with missionaries. Researchers are encouraged to visit the institute's website for a complete listing and abstract of projects. Substantial papers of the following missionaries are available in The Texas Collection: Maudie Ethel Albritton Fielder (Mrs. Wilson), Catherine Tomlinson and William Lowrey Cooper; Glass Family (includes Lois C. Glass and Wiley B. Glass); Luther-Bagby-Smith Family (includes William Buck and Anne Luther Bagby, Harley and Alice Bagby Smith, other members of the Bagby family), Bailis William and Vera Humphries Orrick, Annie Jenkins Sallee"

Name of School: Bethel College
Name of Library: Missionary Church Archives & Historical Collections/Bethel College Archives/Otis Bowen Museum & Archives, Otis Bowen Library
Street Address: 1001 W. McKinley Ave., Mishawaka, IN 46545-5591
Telephone: 574-257-2570
Fax: 574-257-3499
Contact person as of 2002: Timothy Erdel
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "The Missionary Church Archives collects the missions documents of the Missionary Church as comprehensively as possible. We also collect some popular missions magazines and newsletters from other denominational and non-denominational sources"
Summary of mission related holdings: " The Missionary Church Archives collects the documents of World Partners, the overseas missionary agency of the Missionary Church, and of its predecessors, as comprehensively as possible. Some of the denominational predecessors of the Missionary Church include the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, the United Missionary Church, and the Missionary Church Association. The archives holds field records, headquarters records, and personnel records. Depending how they are counted, we hold the basic personnel files for hundreds of persons who have served as missionaries, and minimal records for several thousand who have been licensed for ministry in the Missionary Church or its predecessors. Not all of the latter have served overseas, but many have. In some cases we also hold additional records or even fairly extensive collections of personal documents and artifacts from former missionaries."

Name of School: Bethel College
Name of Library:
Mennonite Church USA Archives - North Newton, Kansas
Street Address: 300 E. 27th St., North Newton, Kansas 67117-0531
Telephone: 316-284-5304
Fax: 316-284-5843
Web site:
Contact person as of 2002: John D. Thiesen, Archivist
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: The archives at Goshen, Indiana, and North Newton, Kansas, are the official repositories for the Mennonite Mission Network, 2002- , a mission agency of the Mennonite Church USA, 2002- , and its predecessors, the Mennonite Board of Missions, Elkhart, Indiana, 1882-2002, and the Commission on Overseas and Home Missions, Newton, Kansas, 1860-2002. Personal papers of missionaries are also regularly deposited into the archives, and are catalogued as personal collections.
Summary of mission related holdings: The official records of the Mission Board and Commission on Overseas Missions (1870-2002) of the General Conference Mennonite Church (1860-2002) are found at the Archives located at Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas. Major mission fields were in India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Colombia, Zaire / Congo. Home missions included work with Native Americans, such as the Hopi in Arizona, and the Cheyenne in Oklahoma and Montana. Collection would also reflect other home mission activities. There are very extensive holdings of personal papers of General Conference missionaries at the archives at North Newton, Kansas.

Name of School: Calvin College, Calvin Theological Seminary
Name of Library:
Calvin Archives
Street Address: 3201 Burton St., SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546.
Telephone: 616-957-6916
Fax: 616-057-6470
Web site:
Contact person as of 2002: Richard H. Harms, Curator of
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "The Calvin Archives is the official repository of Calvin College, Calvin Theological Seminary, and the Christian Reformed Church in North America. As such, it contains the documented history of the denomination, its official agencies, institutions that grew out of the denomination, its schools, its congregations and significant or representative people from these agencies and experiences."
Summary of mission related holdings: "Materials from several agencies of the Christian
Reformed Church including: Home Missions Records (1887-1973), including among the native people of Arizona and New Mexico, urban ministries in such place as New York City and Chicago, IL; World Missions (1920-1995) for such regions as China, Nigeria, Japan, Korea, Mexico; and Sermons of the Back to God Hour radio/television broadcasts (1955-2000). The
personal papers of such people as Henry Beets, John R. Brink, Leonard P. Brink, Herman Fryling, Lee S. Huizenga, Wilhelmina Kalsbeek, Helen Noordewier, and Johanna Veenstra."

Name of School: Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary
Name of Library:
Street Address: 2700 Glenway Ave./Box 04320/Cincinnati, OH 45204-3200 USA
Telephone: 513-244-8138
Fax: 513-244-8434
Contact person as of 2002: Jim Lloyd, Director of the Library
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: Policy states: "Collects and maintains those materials pertaining to the heritage of the Restoration Movement." Survey form adds: "Our churches do not have a denominational headquarters, so there is no official collecting of such documents, but individual Bible College libraries in our movement do collect and maintain newsletters and any missions documents"
Summary of mission related holdings: "These are newsletters published by American and international missionaries. They may include financial reports as well as reports about successes and needs of the missionary. These are so numerous that it would take an large amount of time and space to list them all. We have them in file folders first under "continent" (e.g. Asia) and then under the country (e.g. India), and then under the names of the actual missionary or mission group."

Name of School: Columbia International University
Name of Library:
G. Allen Fleece Library
Street Address: PO Box 3122, Columbia, SC 29230
Telephone: 803-754-4100, ext. 3107
Contact person as of 2002: Jo Ann Rhodes, Archivist
Summary of mission related holdings: "Correspondence, constitutions, minutes, papers and financial records of: Student Foreign Missions Fellowship, 1936-1980's; Evangelical Missiological Society (formerly Association of Professors of Missions), 1966-1998; J. Robertson McQuilkin, former missionary to Japan and President of Columbia International University (correspondence, photographs and papers only); Joy Ridderhof and Gospel Recordings, Inc. (chiefly photographs) (Finding aids are available via email attachment or in print for most collections)."

Name of School: Covenant Theological Seminary
Name of Library:
Presbyterian Church in America Historical Center
Street Address: 12330 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141
Telephone: 314- 469-9077
Website: http://www.pcanet/history [with finding aids online]
Contact person as of 2002: Wayne Sparkman, Director
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "The PCA Historical Center actively seeks to acquire missions documents pertaining to or stemming from the activities of the denominations currently represented in its holdings. These denominations are: Bible Presbyterian Church [1937 - 1955]; Bible Presbyterian Church, Columbus Synod [1955 - 1961]; Evangelical Presbyterian Church [1961 - 1965]; Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod [1833 - 1965]; Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod [1965 - 1982]; Presbyterian Church in America [1973 - ongoing]"
Summary of mission related holdings: "The types of mission documents housed here cover the gamut of organizational and financial documents, doctrinal studies, promotional literature, planning and strategic studies, and missionary prayer letters. In addition, all the various media are represented throughout these collections, namely paper, film, audio, video, compact disc, etc.
The PCA Historical Center houses the main collection of documents for the following -
Mission to the World (Missions agency of the Presbyterian Church in America) and its missionaries; World Presbyterian Missions (Missions board of the BPC, Columbus Synod and later the RPCES) and its missionaries; The India Mission of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod; Papers of William Chisholm; Frank Fiol; Dwight Linton; James A. & Pauline S. McAlpine; William A. McIlwaine; John M.L. Young, et. al; The PCA Historical Center also has a significant collection of materials for the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions."

Name of School: Florida Christian College
Name of Library:
Street Address: 1011 Bill Beck Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34744
Contact person as of 2002: Linda Stark, Librarian
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "Listed in the conspectus: for general missions collections, Instructional level; for materials related to the Restoration Movement
(Christian Churches, Churches of Christ, and Disciples ) Comprehensive level. (note not in the written policy: This does not mean we purchase comprehensively, but we retain gifts comprehensively)"
Summary of mission related holdings: "Our general mission documents include videotapes,
audiotapes, files of mission newsletters and publications of some missionaries related to the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. We are receiving the book collection and files of Dr. Robert Reeves, who was Executive Director of FAME (Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism) . These are not yet cataloged (January 2002)"

Name of School: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Name of Library:
Goddard Library
Street Address: 130 Essex Street, S. Hamilton, MA 01982-2317
Telephone: 978-646-4076
Contact person as of 2002: Freeman Barton
Summary of mission related holdings: "We have two four-drawer filing cabinets devoted to missions. Four drawers have material on mission boards, denominational and otherwise (including the Society of Jesus). The other four have files on particular countries and on subjects. These files are badly out of date. They were maintained by the Student Mission
Fellowship, but little has been added since ca. 1980.... The library of the Advent Christian Church is also housed on campus, giving access to much mission information on that denomination."

Name of School: Goshen College
Name of Library:
Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen, Indiana
Street Address: 1700 South Main Street, Goshen, Indiana 46526-4794
Telephone: 574-535-7477
Fax: 574-535-7756
Web site:
Contact persons as of 2002: John E. Sharp, Director; Dennis Stoesz, Archivist
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "The archives at Goshen, Indiana, and North Newton, Kansas, are the official repositories for the Mennonite Mission Network, 2002- , a mission agency of the Mennonite Church USA, 2002- , and its predecessors, the Mennonite Board of Missions, Elkhart, Indiana, 1882-2002, and the Commission on Overseas and Home Missions, Newton, Kansas, 1860-2002. Personal papers of missionaries are also regularly deposited into the archives, and are catalogued as personal collections."
Summary of mission related holdings: "The official records of the Mennonite Board of Missions, 1882-2002, Elkhart, Indiana, are found at the Archives at Goshen, Indiana. The records reflect the early missionary efforts of the one branch of the Mennonite Church (1898-2001) begun in the 1880's and 1890's across North America and the broader world. Mission stations were established especially in the urban environments during the first half of the 20th century among various cities, for example, at Chicago, Illinois, (1893), Canton, Ohio (104), Kansas City, Kansas (1905), Toronto, Ontario (Canada, 1907), Los Angeles, California (1916), and so on. etc. The broader mission included India in 1899, Argentina in 1917, Spain in 1937, and into many more countries after World War II, including Afghanistan, 1975-81, 1995- ; Algeria, 1957-77; Benin, 1985- ; Boliva, 1976- ; and so forth. Hospitals and orphanages were also established from 1900 on, and the Mission Board also supported relief efforts in France (after World War I), in Spain (1937-39). Two examples of personal collections from missionaries at the Archives at Goshen, Indiana: Mary Amanda Eby Leaman (1876-1938) Collection. She worked at the Mennonite Home Mission at Chicago, Illinois, from 1898-1918, and kept diaries of her twenty years of missionary work there. George J. Lapp (1879-1951) Collection. Lapp was a missionary to India from 1905-45, and the collection contains diaries, 1910-18, correspondence, 1925-51, and articles. These are just two examples of many missionary collections found at the archives."

Name of School: Grace Bible College
Name of Library: Library
Street Address: 1011 Aldon SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49509 USA
Telephone: 616-261-8575
Contact person as of 2002: Kathy Molenkamp
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "We have documents from our sister organization, Grace Ministries International and some others operating within the same fellowship of churches."
Summary of mission related holdings: "We have a copy of the constitution of the mission organization, some board meeting minutes dating back to the first years of the mission's existence, newsletters and some correspondence between the board and the mission fields. We have documents relating to The Worldwide Grace Testimony, which became Grace Mission, The Bethesda Mission of the Bethesda Free Church of Minneapolis MN, which merged with Grace Mission to form Grace Ministries International, and a history of Things to Come Mission. And we have been entrusted with the personal papers of faculty members and pastors who have served on the mission board and/or were serving missionaries themselves."

Name of School: Grace College and Theological Seminary
Name of Library:
Morgan Library
Street Address: 200 Seminary Drive, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590
Telephone: 574-372-5100 x6291
Fax: 574-372-5176
Contact person as of 2002: William Darr
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "We have become an archive by default of the Grace Brethren International Missions.... However there are no policies on the part of either organization (us/them) to insure that future material will be given to us.... We have a items for individuals (i.e. the papers of the gentleman who headed the Brethren Mission Board for 25 years which included his personal correspondence on mission matters) in the collection. However we
do not have any policies, nor do we actively seek such collections."
Summary of mission related holdings: "We have documents, letters, publications, etc. that related to the activities of the Grace Brethren Foreign Missionary Society (now Grace Brethren International Missions) This materials were reboxed upon receipt, a label affixed to the box with a brief description, and no finding tools are available. We have not developed any list of individuals who were involved, but many of the files contain folders on missionary candidates, and missionary personnel."

Name of School: Great Lakes Christian College
Name of Library:
Louis M. Detro Library
Street Address: 6211 W. Willow Hwy, Lansing, MI 48917-1299
Telephone: 517-321-0242 ext. 237
Fax: 517-321-5902
Contact person as of 2002: Keith Upton
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "There is no written policy at this time other than that of the college to support and educate and encourage missionaries. The Library has kept and maintained domestic and international mailings from denominational and non-denominational missions."
Summary of mission related holdings: "Most of the collection is from missions affiliated with independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. We have approximately 80% to 90% newsletters, the rest is missionary biographical information, personal letters and cards, photographs, and other miscellaneous information. "

Name of School: Huntington University
Name of Library:
United Brethren Historical Center
Street Address: 2303 College Ave., Huntington, Indiana 46750
Telephone: 260-359-4064
Fax: 260-358-3698
Web site:
Contact person as of 2002: Randy Neuman
Collecting policy in related to missions documents: "As the archives for the Church of the United Brethren in Christ we actively seek to collect documents relating to the denominational Mission Board, the Women's Missionary Association, and individual missionaries for the denomination. As the archives for Huntington College we solicit material from alumni who work for various other mission agencies."
Summary of mission related holdings: We are the repository of official documents for mission organizations of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ (Old Constitution), including the Board of Mission (1889-1965), Department of Missions (1854-1983), and Women's Missionary Association (1891-1987). The Historical Center also houses documents for some of the regional branches of the Women's Missionary Association. Our collection consists of reports, minutes, publications, correspondence, proceedings, photographs and realia. In addition the collection contains documents from our mission activities in Sierra Leone, Honduras, Jamaica, and China. Papers from individual missionaries such as Oliver and Mahala Hadley, Mary Hadley Wilson, Lena Wenkel, Minnie Mull, C. W. Linker and other missionaries and denominational officials are also available.

Name of School: Messiah College
Name of Library: Brethren in Christ Historical Library and Archives
Street Address: One College
Avenue, P.O. Box 3002, Grantham, PA 17027
Telephone: 717-691-6048
Fax: 717-691-6042
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "We are a college archives which also serves as official archives of the denomination. Quote from policy statement: 'Copies of the minutes of meetings of church-wide agencies and institutions are to be deposited in the Archives. Normally this shall be at agency expense. The Archives are to be placed on the mailing lists of such agencies and institutions to receive such current items as minutes of meetings.'"
Summary of mission related holdings: "Agencies: minutes and papers from the governing board of Brethren in Christ world missions (early 1900s-present), papers from mission stations in Africa and India; Individuals: personal papers of Amos D.M. Dick (early India missionary), Irwin Musser (sec. of mission board for many years), Henry N. Hostetter (former exec. director of world missions), Jesse Engle (first Brethren in Christ missionary to Africa), Graybill Wolgemuth (treas. of mission board), Henry H. Brubaker (missionary and bishop of African church), H. Frances Davidson (pioneer missionary to Zambia in 1906), M. Effie Rohrer (pioneer missionary to India), and many others."

Name of School: North Park University
Name of Library: Brandel Library
Street Address: 3225 W. Foster Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
Telephone: 773-244-6223
Fax: 773-244-4891
Web site:
Contact person as of 2002: Director of Archives and Special Collections
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "Our Collection Development Policy states that we collect the 1) administrative records of Evangelical Covenant Church departments, Boards, and Commissions and 2) Personal papers and collections documenting individuals carrying out the mission of the ECC: clergy, missionaries, educators, other leaders."
Summary of mission related holdings: "Our collections include the administrative records of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) denominational offices. As such, we collect and make available the historical records of the World Mission department, and of the department of Church Growth and Evangelism, both of which represent denominational mission activity. The records of official leaders of the denomination also contain rich documentation of past ECC mission activity. In addition, personal paper collections of missionaries serving the denomination are available, and are actively collected."

Name of School: Northwest Christian College
Name of Library: Kellenberger Library
Street Address: 828 E 11th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon USA 97401
Telephone: 541-684-7236
Contact person as of 2002: Sue Rhee, Director of Library
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "Kellenberger Library has an archives
of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Christian Churches, Churches of Christ in general, but particularly of the Pacific Northwest and of Northwest Christian College. Our college is over 100 years old and has been quite active in missions during that time and has sent out many missionaries which were trained at the school."
Summary of mission related holdings: "One of the largest areas of emphasis was Congo beginning in 1899 when churches of Oregon funded a steamboat named "the Oregon" to travel up the Congo River carrying missionaries and sent over 26 missionaries during the years beginning with E. R. Moon in 1909. Many of the missionaries were trained at our college. Consequently, our archives has a fairly large museum of Congo artifacts from the early 1900's from E. R. Moon and others, pictures, some journal accounts, letters, an oral history tape, scrapbooks, some speech notes, books written by these missionaries, clippings and articles. We also items from other missionaries related to NCC who went to other areas of the world, notably Japan and China. Dr. Donald McGavran was closely tied to our College and began the Institute of Church Growth here, specifically on the third floor of our library.... We have a biography file on the McGavrans, some pictures of the Institute in its early years, many of McGavran's books, etc"

Name of School: Princeton Theological Seminary
Name of Library: Libraries, Department of Archives and Special Collections
Street Address: P.O. Box 111, Princeton, NJ 08542-0111
Telephone: 609-497-7950
Fax: 609-497-1826
Contact person as of 2002: The Rev. William O. Harris, Librarian for Archives and Special Collections
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "We collect primarily the papers of our missionary alumni."
Summary of mission related holdings: "Diaries, reports, correspondence, memoirs, and photographs from missionaries in China, India, Central Africa, Persia, Korea, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Alaska, and the Cherokee Indian Nation. Gordon Chamberlin; Samuel Dodd; Albert A. Fulton; Archibald A. Hodge; John E. Huegel; Sheldon Jackson; George W. Janvier; Levi Janvier; Samuel T. Lowrie; Belle Sparr Luckett; John A. Mackay; Alexander N. Macleod; William M. Miller; Samuel H. Moffett and Family; Robert Hamill Nassau; Henry James Owen; Joseph Owen; Henry William Rankin; Alberto Rembao; Charles E. Scott and Family; M. Richard Shaull, Ashbel Green Simonton; Robert E. Speer; David Trumbull; Charles West; J. Christy Wilson; J. Leighton Wilson; Stephen R. Wynkoop. Princeton Seminary Student Society of Inquiry on Missions, papers 1814-1879. Cherokee Language newspapers and other publications from North Carolina Mission, 1825-1829."

Name of School: Samford University
Name of Library: Samford University Library, Special Collection
Street Address: 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229
Telephone: 1-205-726-2749
Fax: 1-205-726-4103
Web site:
Contact persons as of 2002: Elizabeth Wells, Special Collection
Librarian/Coordinator, Becky Strickland, Special Collection Research Assistant, Jennifer Taylor, Technical Archivist
Collecting policy in related to missions documents: "Yes, Special Collection serves as the repository for the Alabama Baptist Historical Collection and is an exhaustive collection of historical materials regarding all Alabama Baptists including: All manuscript records of churches, associations, conventions, agencies. All printed histories of the same.
Manuscripts of ministers and lay persons
Manuscripts of missionary organizations, agencies.
Manuscripts - papers, correspondence, realia of missionaries
Included in the archives of the University are the records of faculty and staff, many who have held pastorates, had church service/ministry, or mission experience/service"
Summary of mission related holdings: "Reports, writings, correspondence, realia from missionaries, mission leaders, denominational mission agencies, such as the Alabama Woman's Missionary Union.
Have also these microfilm collections: American Home Missionary Society Papers; British Baptist Archival Collection, American Papers of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, American Sunday School Union Papers
Manuscript Missionary Collections: Miss Willie H. Kelly (China), Miss Mildred Lovegren (China/Taiwan/Hong Kong), Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Hearn (China), Mr. and Mr. W. W. Adams (China), Jane Ellen Gaines (Nigeria), Dr. Lonnie Funderburg (Volunteer missions), Joseph Parker(American Sunday School Union)"
Name of School: Trinity Western University
Name of Library:
Norma Marion Alloway Library/ Trinity Western University Archives
Street Address: 7600 Glover Road Langley, B.C. V2Y 1Y1 CANADA
Telephone: 604-888-7511 ext. 3925
Fax: 604-513-2063
E-mail: <
Web site:
Contact person as of 2002: Sylvia Stopforth, University Archivist
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents:
Summary of mission related holdings: "The Robert N. Thompson collection includes the Robert N. Thompson fonds, publications on the Social Credit movement, photographs, video recordings, artefacts from Ethiopia and around the world, and scrapbooks of cartoons, articles, and other materials collected by Dr. Thompson since 1961. The textual records comprising the fonds document his work in post-war Ethiopia with the Ministry of Education and with the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM), his service as federal leader of the Social Credit Party of Canada (1960's), and his involvement with numerous organizations and institutions, including Trinity Western University, World Vision, and Samaritan's Purse. Names: Samaritan's Purse Thompson, Robert N. Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) World Vision"

Name of School: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Name of Library: Library
Street Address: 114 N. Wingate Street, Wake Forest, NC 25787
Telephone: 919-863-8249
Fax: 919-863-8150
Contact person as of 2002: James Lutzweiler
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents: "It is our policy primarily to collect Southern Baptist documents. Since Southern Baptists constitute the largest Protestant mission agency in the world, we collect such documents in this context."
Summary of mission related holdings: "Recently we were the first archive in the world to collect and microfilm the papers and library of Pandita Ramabai.... We have the papers of Gipsy Smith, whom some might call one of England's missionaries to America. In addition we have the papers of Paige Patterson and Paul Pressler, both of which contain extensive correspondence with missionaries and about missionary matters, though neither of them was or is a missionary in the traditional sense of that term.... We also have the papers of Dr .Patterson's father, Thomas Armour Patterson, under whose direction the Texas Baptist Convention undertook a vast missionary enterprise in the 1950s and 1960s. We also have the papers of Robert E.Neighbour and Ralph W. Neighbour, Sr., the former of whom opened the Amazon for Southern Baptists in the 1890s and the latter of whom conducted many missionary endeavors here in America and abroad in connection with R.G. LeTourneau. In addition we have on microfilm many missionary materials available either nowhere else - or else in very limited locations. I cite for example the papers of John R. Sampey...." Also the papers of Thomas Hudson and Mary Aulick (later man and wife), missionaries to China in the late 1800s.

Name of School:, Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education
Name of Library: William Smith Morton Library
Street Address: 3401 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227
Contact person as of 2002: Dr. Paula Skreslet, Reference/Archives
Summary of mission related holdings: "1) James E. and Margaret W. Bear Papers, 1873-1975. James E. Bear was a Presbyterian missionary to China and then Royster Professor of Christian
Missions at Union Theological Seminary (1950-1963). About 11 linear feet. Manuscripts, scrapbook, classroom lecture notes, oral history,memorabilia, correspondence, photographs, pertaining to Presbyterian missions; research documents for Bear's histories of PCUS mission work in China and Brazil. Bear's papers also include the sermons and notebooks of Charles
White and the letters of William Chester White.
2) Francis Wilson Price Papers, 1896-1974. "Frank" Price was a Presbyterian missionary who served in China 1923-1952 as an educator at Nanking Theological Seminary and West China Union University. He was also a friend and adviser to Chiang k'ai-shek, and an adviser to the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the National Military Council (see also George C. Marshall Research Foundation, Lexington VA). About 6.5 linear feet. Minutes, records, reports, manuscripts, pamphlets, dissertation, scripts of radio talks, Chinese language materials."

Name of School: Wheaton College
Name of Library: Buswell Memorial Library, Archives and Special Collections
Street Address: 501 College Ave., Wheaton IL 60187-5593
Telephone: 630-752-5705
Fax: 630-752-5855
Web site:
Contact person as of 2002: Reference Archivist
Summary of mission related holdings: "We have the papers of individuals, as well as secondary material, who have served as independent or denominational missionaries. Additionally, we institutional records of some missions-related organizations. Kenneth & Margaret Landon papers; Open Doors with Brother Andrew records; International Fellowship of Evangelical Students records"

Name of School: Wheaton College
Name of Library: Billy Graham Center Archives
Street Address: 500 College Ave., Wheaton IL 60187-5593
Telephone: 630-752-5910
Fax: 630-752-5916
Web site: http:////
Contact person as of 2002: Reference Archivist
Collecting policy in relation to missions documents:
"1. The documents of Billy Graham, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and the people associated with his ministry are of especial importance to collect and form the nucleus of the archives' holdings.
2. The records of other individuals and organizations (save for exceptions listed below) are collected only if they have a direct importance for the history of North American, Protestant, nondenominational evangelism and missions.
3. The files of international meetings relevant to evangelism and missions, such as the Amsterdam '83 conference, may be collected, since no one nation has a claim on them.
4. Similarly, the files of the international office of evangelistic organizations may be collected, but not the files of the national branches of the same organization (except for North American branches). Thus, for example, the archives could collect the files of the international office of Overseas Missionary Fellowship, but not the files of the British branch.
5. The archives may acquire microfilmed collections of documents that relate to missions or evangelism, but which are not necessarily North American, Protestant or nondenominational. Thus, for example, it could acquire the microfilm of Baptist Missionary Society files offered by the Southern Baptist Historical Commission, microfilm that includes the letters of William Carey and Adoniram Judson."
Summary of mission related holdings: "The Archives has the records of dozens of nondenominational parachurch ministries, including many several missions such as Africa Inland Mission (United States branch and international office)and Overseas Missionary Fellowship (United States branch) as well as mission service agencies such as the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association and Mission Aviation Fellowship. We also have many collections of the private papers of North American missionaries and oral history interviews with hundreds more. A complete list of our holdings can be found at: A search engine for the online database of our collection guides can be found at"

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Last Revised: 3/26/02
Last Revised: 1/5/05
Expiration: indefinite

© Wheaton College 2005