the time you get this note you will be 15 and I want to tell you how thankful I am that you have been spaird [sic] to
us a nother [sic] year & I trust the new year before you will be your best year & that you will grow in all the graces
Gal[ations] 5-22&23[.] I am earnestly praying that God may make you a useful man[.] I have a present for you but
I am gone [sic] to keep it until you get here[.] it is like one I have for Ma Ma [one word unclear] pictures[.]
Enclosed I also send you $5[.] I wanted to get you a nice present with the money but it is so hard to get any thing
that you can take around with you as you travel about[.] I send you much love & good wishes & may you live to
take the place of your father in the blessed work of leading souls to Christ is the prayer of your father[.]
will have all the family with you when you get this [.] tell them I will be glad to see them [.] in regrad [sic] to your
baths you must be very carful [sic] about taking cold afterwards[.] the Dr[.] say that is the danger[.] So many take
cold that thay[sic] never advise it[.] so I hope you will be exceedingly carful [sic] & not over do the thing[.] I think
if [unclear, perhaps "it is done."] We should be very careful and not take any chances Let me know what Sabbath
you can come up & spend with us[.]
have just heard of your getting better & I am so thankful[.] it has taken a great load off[.] but I hope you will not
go back Monday[.] There is so much sickness at N Haven[.] You had better send for your books & study at home
a week and see how it is with you[.] I wish you would take cod liver oil[.] I beleave [sic] it would do you great
good and build you up[.] What you want is to get strong so you can throw off dease [sic][.] Do not be in a hurry
about going back[.] take your time[.] I am to preach for Talmage [note: T. L. Talmage, another evangelist] Dec 9[.]
I hope it will be so you can go to N Y with me[.] I am in hopes to take Mama & Emma & it may be Paul [Moody's
wife, daughter, and son] with me & you could come down and spend the Sabbath[.] I would be glad[.] I am
getting the building [note: the Bible Training Institute, later the Moody Bible Institute] nearly finished but I am
afraid I will not get it finished so to open it before I go away or back East[.]
Cornell has the finest campus I have ever seen & they will soon have the largest university on this continent [.] I
am shure [sic] it is butiful [sic] & thay [sic] have a [unclear, perhaps "bountiful"] endowment & a fine set of fillows [sic][.]
here it is
helthy [sic] as well a butiful [sic][.] The students are turning out well to the meetings & I think I am getting hold
well but can't tell yet [.] I want a sabbath to know just how I am getting on [.]
have not writen [sic] thinking you would not be strong enough to read but I heard last night through my letters
from home proved that you wer [sic] getting strong & I was very glad[.] I am in hopes that by the time you get this
you will be able to get up[.] I have thought of you by day and dreamed of you by night[.] I was in hopes when I
was at home it would have been all over or I should never have planned to have been away so far[.] it was a trying
time for me & it must have been for your father[,] dear man. I do want to see you all & as soon as I can get a way
for home I shall start[.] Kiss the newcomer for me & dear little Irene [.] tell her I am longing to see her[.]
Hoping to be able to be you in December & see a good deal of you all[.]
I am you homesick Father in law
D.L. Moody