Billy Graham Center
The Archives Bulletin Board
This service is intended for Wheaton College students, faculty and staff; people who live in convenient driving range to campus; or people who will be visiting Wheaton's campus. Every month, this Bulletin Board will highlight a new document or set of documents that are available in the Archives. Come on over and have a look!
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December 2002: "Lips for Christmas" 1926 sermonette by Paul Rader
Cover of the December 1926 issue of Paul Rader's World-Wide Christian Courier featuring his brief message on the significance of Christmas. This item illustrates the common evangelistic practice of using a holiday as an opportunity to appeal to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus.
By 1926, Paul Rader (1879-1938) was at the mid-point of his evangelistic ministry, one of the most dynamic of the 20th cenutry. During his lifetime, Rader was pastor of Chicago's Moody Memorial Church (1915-1921), served as vice-president and president of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (1919-1924), founded the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (1922), was pioneer in evangelistic radio, and actively developed youth work, literature, Bible studies, training of Christian workers, and a food program for the needy called Paul Rader's Pantry. Rader's impact extended into the next generation, with his influence on Christian leaders including Percy Crawford, Peter Deyneka, Merrill Dunlop, Howard Ferrin, Clarence Jones, Howard Jones, Lance Latham, and Oswald Smith.
Ephemera of Daniel Paul Rader: Collection 38 document the
life and ministry of this important evangelist.
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Last Revised: 12/1/02
Expiration: indefinite
© Wheaton College 2005