Billy Graham Center

From Collection 496, Drawer OS35

Poem by Lillian Danielson, written aboard the Dresden. (quoted from page 93 of Miracle at Sea by Eleanor Anderson)

You say you bad a loss of this and that pretty gown
When the South Atlantic you crossed and this item and that went down.
How we might sit and count this gift and that we did treasure;
Into the dollars they mount and some whose worth we can't measure.
”But what shall we do without them, those gowns we had made with care?
We bad adjusted them neck to hem so they 'd be ready to wear.
"But friends, there is one robe I didn't lose that day!
It was given me long ago by Him who is the Truth, the Way.
It's not a tattle-tale gray as those washed by my feeble bands.
No--it's a pure dazzling white, washed in the blood of God's Lamb.
My own dress is as filthy rags for I am so full of sin.
Jesus gives me a robe of righteousness that I may stand spotless in Him.
So why should I ever count my loss of these earthly things which went down,
So long as my Jesus on the cross I didn't lose--nor my crown.
Friend, have you put on the robe Christ is waiting g to give to you?
You cannot stand before God's throne until His robe doth cover you.
Dear Jesus, just cover me with this robe and Thy holy self,
That others may see Jesus only, my crucified, living in me.

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Last Revised: 5/1/07
Expiration: indefinite

© Wheaton College 2007